What if everyone you meet could see your heart? I don’t mean the physical heart that beats inside your chest. I mean the heart that would show what you are thinking and feeling; what your intensions, motivations and passions are. At a glance, people cannot see these things, but God always can. Over time, your true heart may be revealed, but only God knows the condition of your heart right now.
When God sent the prophet Samuel to anoint the king that would succeed Saul, Samuel was sent to Bethlehem to meet Jesse and his sons. At first glance, he saw the big, strong group of young men that included most of Jesse’s sons. “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before Him!” said a likely impressed Samuel. None of these imposing looking men were who God chose to be Israel’s next king. God knew the hearts of these men, and God had someone else in mind. Someone who was completely devoted to Him and believed in the great power and authority of God. Someone who would follow God, no matter what. That someone turned out to be Jesse’s youngest son, David, who happened to be tending sheep at this time. He was likely too young and small for Jesse to think Samuel would want to meet him. Jesse was wrong. From man’s point of view, David was the least likely candidate to be Israel’s next king. From God’s point of view, David was His guy.
It may be time for our own heart check. Do my actions and words match what is in my heart? God looks for those who have a heart that is passionate about Him, who follow His ways even when it is different from the world’s ways. Someone who has a heart for God is one that loves the unlovable, forgives the unforgivable, puts himself or herself last, and shows kindness to the unkind. This is a person who does not do these things to look good to other people, but rather to show God’s love to other people. How we look on the outside is not what is important to God. Instead, God looks at the heart. I think I’m due for a heart check.
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