Every once in a while, I like to break from the norm. I have gone back in forth in my mind as to whether or not I should post this one, but decided to do it. This is a song Scot (my hubby) and I wrote many years ago. It was a time when we were struggling with finances and couldn\’t afford to buy gifts for our family for Christmas. We decided to record some music for a Christmas CD that we gave to our family who lives in Indiana. This was one of the songs we wrote. There are times in our lives when we struggle. We don\’t always see the way out of our difficulties, but what I do know is that that way out is always there. My help truly does come from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I am so thankful that I have His love and guidance. I also am thankful for the difficult times, because it reminds me to look to the One…where my help comes from.
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