“But the people said nothing.” This certainly was not the first time the people of Israel had fallen away from God and worshipped idols. Remember Joshua’s famous speech in Joshua 24:15 “Choose you this day whom ye will serve (KJV)”? Once again, Israel had chosen forsaken God and chose to worship an idol known as Baal. That type of action seems ridiculous to us, until we really stop and think about it.
Is there anything we put ahead of our relationship with God? How about our fitness? There’s no question that I place a high priority on my running and strength workouts. However, my fitness never should become something I choose over God. I think about the choices I make each day. Do they reflect my priorities? Do I choose TV over reading my bible, sleeping over praying, talking ill about someone over praying for them, or doing nothing when someone needs help? Taking a look at how we fill our day and where we spend our money is a great way to see who or what we are placing as a priority in our lives.
Do you feel like you need to make some adjustments? I sure do. I want to make certain nothing becomes an idol in my life. I do not want to waver between anything and God. Always follow God first, so when you are facing a choice, you will not be silent. Instead, you will say with boldness, “I follow God.”
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