You may recall the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish provided by one boy; but just to be sure, I’ll give a quick recap. Just before this event, Jesus had sent out his twelve disciples, instructing them to preach, drive out demons and heal the sick. They were to take no possessions (including food and money) with them. When they all met up with Jesus awhile later, He encouraged them to get away and rest. However, as they made their way to a quiet place, many of the people from the surrounding areas saw Jesus and His disciples and rushed to where they were going, so they could listen to Jesus. Having compassion on them, Jesus began to teach them. As it was getting late in the day the disciples, themselves undoubtedly pretty hungry, noticed that many of the people would need to eat soon. They suggested that Jesus send them away to neighboring towns to get some food. Jesus suggested, “You give them something to eat.” Jesus knew that the disciples had no food on them and the disciples knew it would take more than eight months wages to feed this crowd. “Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?” They asked.
“How many loaves do you have?” He asked. “Go and see.” Jesus only asked His disciples to tell Him what they did have – not what they didn’t have, or what they would need – just what they had, already. Isn’t it fabulous that what they did have – five loaves of bread and two fish (provided by one thoughtful boy) – was enough for Jesus to feed 5,000 people and have left-overs?
Many of us are waiting for just the right circumstances to give what we have to the Lord. We may feel like we have to know all kinds of scripture before we tell anyone about Jesus. Maybe we’re waiting to pay off our debt before we tithe or give to the needy. Maybe we’re waiting until we can afford new furniture before we invite the neighbors over for dinner. Don’t wait. You’ve got enough for God to use.
So often when we view ourselves, we see our limitations, first. When I ask personal training clients how their week went, they frequently tell me what they didn’t accomplish. I’ll ask, “What DID you do?” I then hear the list of the many things they did. Often, I am surprised at how much someone has accomplished after they just told me that they didn’t do very much this week. People also tend to focus on what they cannot do, instead of what they can do. God is powerful enough to use what we have and what we can do. When God looks at us, He sees the possibilities. He knows the great things He can achieve with us and through us! After all, He created us.
I encourage you to let God use what you have. You have exactly what’s needed. Go ahead! Tell someone you know about Jesus, even if not one single Bible verse comes to mind. Give money to a needy person, even before your Visa card is paid. Ask God to use you,right now, right where you are. That’s all God needs to work through you – your willingness. I would imagine God is ready to do some amazing things through you. You’ve already got what it takes!
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