For the first time ever, Adam and Eve hid from God. This is what sin does to our relationship with God. It separates us from Him – which is why He hates it.
The Garden of Eden is the other place that I’ve wondered what it looked like, smelled like, and felt like. I imagine it was beyond beautiful. It must have had the most beautiful trees and flowers. The temperature was perfect, I’m sure. Imagine what it would be like to walk amongst animals of all kinds without fear. Imagine what it was like to walk side by side with God. Yes, it’s true that God is with us, now, and I can speak to Him anytime. But, I would much rather have the Garden of Eden experience. Think of it – walking next to God in the most beautiful, perfect place on Earth, talking with Him about anything; smiling and laughing together, having the best discussions that could ever be had, because you are with the One who created you and loves you more than you can comprehend.
They heard the sound of the Lord God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. I cannot help but pause and think about this sentence. Imagine hearing God walking toward you. How would you feel? Excited? Nervous? Fearful? All other times Adam and Eve heard God walking through the Garden, they likely ran – or at least picked up the pace – to meet Him. This time was different, because for the first time in their lives they felt shame. At the moment they felt that shame, they became separated from God. That is what sin does to the most important relationship in our lives. God knew this time would come, but I believe that it didn’t dull the pain.
Adam and Eve would have to live with the consequences of their sin. They had to leave the Garden of Eden and would not walk with God in the same way they did before. Through the sadness, though, God did not stop loving His children. He even made clothes for them, so they wouldn’t feel the shame of their nakedness (Genesis 3:21). What a loving Father He is! That love is the reason Jesus paid the price for our sin, and we no longer have to feel the shame of that sin. Because of this, we can run to Him when we hear Him approaching.
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