You never have to face any endeavor, great challenge, or even a tragedy alone. Simply at the calling of His name, God will hear you. He will strengthen you, help you, and uphold you. I cannot think of any more encouraging news than this.
When we finally get to the point where we believe this truth with all our heart, worry will never be a bother, again. When I’ve looked back at the numerous challenges in my life, I see that God was with me every single time. He helped me through each scary event, and I came out stronger and wiser on the other side. For eight years I ran a nonprofit organization. Now, if there’s anything that challenges your faith, it’s running a nonprofit. In the early years, I worried often. Could we make payroll? How about the rent? How come donations are down? During those years I found myself in freak out mode quite often. I eventually figured out that nothing productive would come of that.
What I learned to do was to take the problem and lay it at the feet of Jesus. I’d spell out the problem in prayer, ask for God’s wisdom, help, and assurance. I often asked Him to give me really big, obvious assurance. I have found that God loves to show us He loves us and cares for us. I remember a time when we were pretty tight on funds and I wasn’t sure how we were going to pay some upcoming expenses. Sure enough! The mail came, and our organization received a significant refund check from our insurance company. due to a premium miscalculation. This was fantastic – and perfect timing! There were many stories like that to remind us that God is with us always. Even when things didn’t come about just as I wanted them to, everything still worked out.
God is faithful. More faithful than anyone. Call out to Him when you feel alone, scared, nervous;or when you feel great, joyful and thankful. He created you for a purpose, so let Him strengthen and help you so you can live with purpose. He’s ready when you are.
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