Read Romans 8:28
Have you ever had a great struggle drop in and take up residence in your life? Like an unwelcome guest, it arrives without warning and carries with it pain, heartache – or both. Adversity comes in all shapes and sizes and it certainly does not discriminate. It may appear suddenly as an illness, a lost job, or a lost relationship. It’s possible a struggle of your own has come to mind. Before we allow that thought to percolate in there too long, I want to encourage you with this: There is a diamond in every difficulty we encounter. In order to find it, we just need to be willing to do some digging.
About 27 years ago, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease known as Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is quite different from Type 2 in that my body does not produce any insulin, at all, and it is not acquired due to being overweight. There is no cure for Type 1 diabetes. Approximately 5% of those with diabetes have Type 1.
It’s a complicated disease that can cause great harm if not well managed. Believe me, it is a difficult disease to manage. I’ve prayed for healing countless times. I do my best to convince God that this would be a fabulous way to show His healing power! So far, the disease remains a part of my life.
A couple years ago, I read a great story about a woman who also suffered from an autoimmune disease (different than mine). Her medical challenge is even greater, as she spent nearly 8 years house bound and bed-ridden. She never gave up hope to find a way to live. Today, this woman is a fitness trainer in the most incredible shape, and she spends her days inspiring others to take charge of their fitness. You can read her amazing story here. I had the opportunity to speak with her, and I asked her how the disease changed her life. Incredibly, she said it changed her for the better! She said she is much more loving and caring, and the disease led her to become stronger and more fit than she had been in years.
That’s when it hit me. There was a diamond to be found in diabetes. Because of that disease, I have made certain that I do not take my health for granted. I strive to be fit and healthy, so that I can live a long, productive life with all my organs and limbs. If it weren’t for diabetes, I am not certain I would have become a runner as an adult. I highly doubt that I would be a certified personal trainer with a passion for helping others overcome their health challenges through fitness. Now, that is more than a diamond – that’s a treasure! I do continue to pray for healing; however, I am thankful that God can use my experience with Type 1 diabetes to make a difference in people’s lives. Although I wish I could remove any pain you may be experiencing, I would not wish this at the expense of the diamond you are sure to find.
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