June 13, 2023
1:00 pm
June 29, 2023
2:15 pm

No matter what sport your child loves to play, it likely involves running; and running coaches Jeff Dickman (Head Coach Rockford Cross Country and Distance Track Coach) and Colleen Prudhomme (Certified Running Coach, Certified Speed and Agility Coach, Certified Personal Trainer) are super excited to share the fun of running with your 3rd – 6th grader! Fun on the Run is a high energy program that introduces kids to what’s so great about running. Much of our time will be spent playing games that involve running – super fun games like obstacle courses, scavenger hunts, radical relay races, and more! Of course, we also will sneak in some cool knowledge like what good running form looks like, what kind of muscles are needed to run, how muscles act like energy-producing factories every time we breath, what kind of snacks help lead to speedy success, and, of course, we can’t forget about the importance of relaxing for recovery! 
What you need to know
- Cost is $100
- Tuesdays and Thursdays in June, 2023 beginning Tuesday, June 13th.
- We start right at 1:00pm and end at 2:15pm.
- We will meet at the main parking lot (beach and playground) at Lake Rebecca. If it is raining, we will meet in the picnic shelter.
- If we need to cancel due to dangerous weather conditions, we will notify you by no later than 9:30a.m. that morning.
- This program is for kids who will be entering 3rd grade through 6th grade in the coming school year.
- Your child should come wearing shoes he or she can run in and clothes that are comfy and durable – nothing fancy, because there may be some dirt, grass, or water involved on any given day.
- Have your child bring a water bottle filled with cold water. We’ll be working up a thirst, for sure!
- Bring a towel. We’ll be taking some chill time, and sometimes grass can get itchy, so a nice, big towel will work great for relaxation time.
- Snacks will be included, so be sure to let us know in the registration form if your child has any allergies or sensitivities to any foods.
Anything Else?
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Colleen here or call her at 763-438-8048. We look forward to talking with you and sharing the joy of running with your young athlete.