What does it mean to have balance in your life? In reality, life circumstances don\’t approach us in equal doses. Equal quantities (and qualities) of sleep, work, family, recreation, health, etc. are impossible to achieve on a daily basis. How then, do we experience balance? Balance isn\’t necessarily achieved when all is going smoothly around us, but rather when we can remain at peace and in control when our circumstances seem to be working against that very thing.
Colleen takes participants through an exercise of identifying one\’s life\’s mission and core values and comparing those to how our thoughts, energy, and time are spent. Are our mission and values being served well by what we think about, where we place our efforts and how we spend our time? For many of us, there is a very big disconnect between these areas of our lives.
Obtaining and maintaining balance is not a one and done exercise. Instead, it involves repeatedly assessing our choices in how we spend our time, energy and thoughts. One of Colleen\’s favorite quotes on this topic is:
If you lead a busy life, you need to be merciless in refusing to become involved in things that don\’t resonate with your core mission. (Psychology today, April 15, 2010. Alex Lickerman M.D.)
If you are interested in learning more about this topic or having Colleen speak to your team about Beyond Balance, contact her here.