February 3
8:00 am
April 26
5:00 pm

Gear Up For Spring Details
- We begin training for a spring 10K on Monday, February 3rd, 2025. REGISTER HERE!
- This program includes run plans, strength plans, weekly group runs and strength work.
- We will be training for the Get in Gear 10K on April 26th, 2025 (Click Get in Gear 10K link to register for this race). Registration for Gear up for Spring does not include your registration feel for Get in Gear.
- Your registration fee includes weekly training plans (strength and running), an awesome shirt to help you stay motivated, and optional group training sessions (runs and strength training).
- This is a great way to meet fellow runners interested in getting stronger, having more fun when running, and achieving a new goal.
- If you have any questions about this program, feel free to contact me here!
What you need to get started
- Register Here! (If you prefer to make payments, please contact me to make arrangements, but please register first).
- You will need a smart watch. I recommend Garmin or Coros; however, Apple watches can work if needed.
- Set up your watch’s mobile app. For example, Garmin’s mobile app is Garmin Connect. You will need this app set up so you can connect your account to my TrainingPeaks coaching account. I will send you a link to do this once you are registered.
- You will need access to weightlifting equipment such as dumbbells, a barbell and plates.
Register for the Get in Gear 10K here. Register soon!